
  1. Lorrein

    Crew toy scenes & cum thirsty perk

    Why crew toy scenes including Steele giving head dont remove cum thirsty debuff? I tryed Syri, Anno and Paige crew toy scenes, and none of em remove that debuff...
  2. D

    Amount of male crew members

    We legit have only 2 crew members (not counting Ben) that are male.
  3. D

    Problem with Shekka breast drinking scene

    when i recruited Shekka to my ship, for some reason i can't to milk drinking scene, and my character is leaky and everything but when she i boot her back to her shop, she's able to do the scene no problem, I'm just wondering if this is a bug or not, cuz the wiki said that I should be able to do...
  4. JakeCWolf

    Paige appears in the description of the showers upon meeting her but before she becomes crew and/or lover

    Odd thing I noticed, upon meeting Paige and beginning her Yoga classes when I go back to the ship I see the description as if she is already both my lover and crew member, despite niether of these conditions being met. I assume in one update or another some flags are getting set when they...
  5. M

    Anno's Crew button is Missing

    The button to select and interact with Anno in the ship's crew menu is missing. Random crew events with her will trigger and she can be interacted with through other crewmates. Kicking Syri off of crew brings her button back.
  6. Tymbs

    Missing Crew

    In all my saves after the latest Public update, I am unable to access my Crew in my ship, there is no button for it in the crewmembers tile.