See title. Opened Codex in Mines on Zheng Shi. Opened Stats. Clicked Location then crash. I was able to replicate this 4 times.
Version: 0.9.082-PUBLIC#4202 Message: u.flags is undefined Stack:
This has happened at least 5 times now. Either I select something in inventory or in this last case, open up storage, it gives me Critical error. It also has happened when interacting with NPCs.
I use Opera GX mobile version 2.2.0
This is the first time I’m having this issue after playing...
New Game, Go to Penny, Fight Zil, boom. It was consistent with this error:
Version: 0.9.077-PUBLIC#4032
Message: t.toLowerCase is not a function
Whenever I enter combat with a Korgonne Barbarian Female, the game immediately crashes. I don't seem to have this crash with any other Uveto enemies.
Version: 0.9.067-PUBLIC#3757
Message: Cannot call a class as a function Stack...
This is a crash happening in the dhaal drone retrival misshion. So the drone in this vershion is crashing me regarless of what I do I have tried talking to the boss and leaveing my rival, i have also tryed fighting and beating the boss and takeing the probe only for it to crash If I leave the...
Version: 0.9.046-PUBLIC#3154
target.getCombatName is not a function
TypeError: target.getCombatName is not a function
at o.value (
at o.value...
I was running on Uveto and Canadia and Gestingoth idk when I got it but I think issues started when i got it.
When i try to throw it or open stores/storage there is game crash
I was fighting a Juggernaut Solder and 2 Drones but when I want to attack one of the drones or let a turret destroy it the game crashes and I can't move forward
Upon reaching the Zil Village and challenging Lah, the following error appears
Version: 0.9.039-PUBLIC#2975 Message: Button config for a button called Zil Champion’s Assegai may have an erroneus argument left over from Actionscript! Stack...
When using any of the piercings (used both savicite and lucinite single studs and sets) obtained on Uveto from Kiona, game crashes and gives this message:
Version: 0.9.037-PUBLIC#2886 Message: e.combatContainer is null Stack...
All three paths for the facefuck option in the milk thief's defeat menu crash the game. Crash logs from "In and Out", "Inside", and "Outside" are down below, respectively.
Message: e is undefined Stack:
I recently converted a save over from the Tits Air version 0.8.158 and am going through the new content. When I go onto the tile in Paragon Playground the game crashes.
My male character was impregnated by a bothrioc (again lmao) and the last time, I had him lay the eggs but he didn't get to keep the hatchlings, so this time I tried to do a maternity stay at the nursery on Tavros but at the end of the stay, the game crashed with the following message:
Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nameDisplay') Stack:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nameDisplay')
at Array.sort ()
at db...
Currently unable to progress my character due to getting the above error after about 4 hours of in game time from the point of the save. This seems very similar to behaiviour described in , however I do not remember...