coc2 progression

  1. C

    0.7.34 Meira/Daliza Writing Inconsistency

    When PC first visits the Wayfort after Meira moves in, the scene reads as if Daliza doesn't recognise her. This is inconsistent with Meira's wayfort date, where Daliza recognises her. No screenshot because I'd clicked past the scene before I realised.
  2. Tide Hunter

    In Progress [0.3.34] Champion thinks Lyric stole electrum before catching Lyric

    Basically: Doing the metabolism talk with Lyric, without yet having done the scene where Lyric gets caught eating electrum, the text seems to think that my Champ did catch Lyric eating electrum already. Browser is Firefox, though I doubt it impacts this. In addition to that, when doing the...
  3. DaisukeKaiser

    Bugged [0.3.32] Kiyoko Introducing Kit

    I'm pretty sure this is more of an oversight than a bug but just on the off chance that it's not I felt to make this thread anyway I got the scene where Kiyoko has a kit and the pc isn't around where she introduces them to each other. But the thing is Kiyoko was in my party when said scene...
  4. Omnomimous

    Bugged [3.30] Kiyoko Play Nice

    I don't know if it's exactly this specific, but if you have Play Nice sex with Kiyoko while she's pregnant with your first child in her "third trimester" stage, the dialogue and description will be as if you have had children with her already. She talks about taking care of the children and...
  5. Shadow5

    Bugged Jump to sleeping instead of other options

    Build: 0.2.49 Scene: Have Fun -> Groom -> Brush Issue: Scene cuts to waking up instead of implied additional interaction options When I choose the Brush option under Have Fun-> Groom, Kiyoko says at the end of the scene: "Well then, it looks like our time here is at an end. I had fun, and it...