coc2 continuity

  1. rtyuiop

    0.7.34 Berwyn+Matiha Discrepancy

    The Lover route scene where Berwyn and Matiha "ambush" the player and demand sex ("skipping to the good part") has the normal options still available. Meanwhile the Fuckbuddy version of the scene goes directly into the sex menu, despite being structured the same and ending with the same line...
  2. Weerz

    (0.4.27) Tui the eager.

    Tui wants to join to our sleeping session with Bri while camping outside without her.
  3. Shrike675

    [0.4.24] Arona preg notification showing up in other places

    As title says. Find it somewhat odd that Arona can catch you just about anywhere other than orc camp and frosthound to tell you she's pregnant.
  4. S

    [0.4.22] Rune talk mentions Quin by default

    Rune's talk scene about Cait mentions Quin whether you've met/recruited him or not.
  5. ?

    [0.4.18]Kitsune not reacting correctly to previous interactions

    When exploring the frost woods with a solo abstinent ( avoiding anything remotely sexual like the plague in this playthrough) character 2 similar bugs happen: When encountering Hatsu even tho' I select leave at every encounter I still get her wash scene after a while with the text implying that...
  6. P

    {0.4.22} Sanders "The Order" mistake

    In the talk with Sanders labeled "The Order" you ask him what brought him out to Hawkthorne and he responds: "Retirement," the old man laughs. "I left the Order five years ago, back to the life of a mere priest now that my days as a warrior are behind me." But that doesn't really make sense...
  7. Tide Hunter

    In Progress [0.3.34] Champion thinks Lyric stole electrum before catching Lyric

    Basically: Doing the metabolism talk with Lyric, without yet having done the scene where Lyric gets caught eating electrum, the text seems to think that my Champ did catch Lyric eating electrum already. Browser is Firefox, though I doubt it impacts this. In addition to that, when doing the...
  8. DaisukeKaiser

    In Progress 0.3.29 Kiyoko and Inarizushi

    I'm sure it's obvious but this scene is when you choose to have a meal with her, but anyway there's some redundant text during it. I've only seen the scene with her trapped inside the Astral Plane so I'm not sure if it exists outside of it, also she was not pregnant at the time not sure if that...