coc2 combat

  1. Resawar

    Bugged [0.7.34] Eye for Weakness extended resistance changes turn into nameless buff after two turns.

    For a few versions now after two turns the extended resistance changes from Eye for Weakness when using Grease and Crackle Power turn into a nameless buff that lasts for two turns and states "Your resistances have been changed!" like the picture below. This nameless buff is counted as a buff as...
  2. M

    0.4.28 Powers won’t cool down

    I am left unable to use powers a second time even at will powers. Playing mobile on Safari.
  3. D

    Error at Temple of Terrestial Fire Inner Temple Fight

    Error occured in a fight with Fire Dancer and Fire knight. A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined...
  4. zagzig

    (0.4.24) Agni's Cauterize ability uses the description of Cleansing Bell

    Title. Seems like it's a reskin of Cleansing Bell but probably wasn't intended to work exactly the same. Unless it was, of course.
  5. Bobonga

    [0.4.18] Equaminity works only on pure melee weapons

    Equaminity is supposed to boost crit dmg by 10%. However, ranged weapons get no increased crit dmg. Now the strange thing: If I equip the "silver mask" the Equaminity boost to crit dmg is raised to 20%. Now ranged weapons get a 10% crit dmg boost. I tested the dmg of normal crits and "sure...
  6. zagzig

    [0.4.21] Goblin Succubus has no loot drop

    Screenshots detail the tragic journey where champ goes to fight Goblin Succubus and triumphs without victory loot ever being awarded. Really, what's the point of winning if you don't earn a negligible amount of electrum and/or an item?
  7. MeiLan

    Bugged [0.3.39] Berwyn Summon Golem oversight and some more

    Berwyn's companion power [Summon Golem] activation implies that he summons two golems instead of one. [Acid Flask] seems to use a plural parser in it's attack description [Exertion] is supposed to deal Raw damage (which to my knowledge cannot be resisted) but the damage dealt is still being...
  8. GEESE

    In Progress [0.3.37] Shield of Brawn triggering off companions?

    needed to adjust my characters masculinity, so I slapped on the brawn shield and went with just cait to get beat up in the glacier for a bit, and... unedited game, obv. though I'm curious to look in an editor to see if it actually did make cait more manly somehow. (also just noticed, looks...
  9. T

    In Progress Shield of Brawn Reduces Companion Femininity, Ostensibly

    See title. Since the Shield of Brawn has been equipped in my playthrough, companions have had combat text expressing dropping femininity when they prevent crits. I have no idea if this means anything for their actual statistics, but even if it doesn't (which seems likely), the text probably...