
  1. N

    Fixed Brandt

    When you have sex with Hella, and you piss her off by teasing her. She... sometimes acts cute, but still doesn't want to talk to you. But you're still able to fuck her. At least remake it so you can either tease her, or she becomes addicted. Or outright can't have sex with her anymore.
  2. AboutAverage2

    (Game Version: 0.9.108-PUBLIC#5358) Butt Bug Aborts Tentacle Surprise

    I have an Orange Butt Bug that is inseminated but never started the timer on the eggnancy because i already had eggs in me at the time from another eggnancy (Lapinara). I wait out the in-game month to clear the Lapinara eggs and start another. i see that i have a Psionic Tentacle Egg in my ship...
  3. Nivaeli

    Green Butt Bug using Biege variant mechanics

    So I've noticed this for quite some time now, and never said anything cause I figured it'd be noticed by someone by now. Long story short, the Green variant of the Butt Bug/Hilinara Parasite doesn't use the proper mechanics. The codex entry states that it will "continuously lays full-sized...
  4. G

    [0.9.033-PUBLIC-ANDROID#2820] Butt-Bug offspring vanish in Tavro Maternity.

    Birthing Butt-Bug Eggs at the Tavro Nursery via the Maternity Option results in the Offspring Vanishing from the game after birth. The Codex stat information still shows the PC as having birthed them but they are not present in the Nursery. Additionally if the PC Births the Eggs outside the...