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  1. M

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    Assuming you mean the victory/defeat scenes. I'd say that would be pretty awesome. As for Silver Bard's concern, I generally play maximized on a fairly large monitor so screen real estate is something I've got in spades.
  2. M

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    Is there an updatedskill list.txt floating around somewhere?
  3. M

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    I guess Eve's fall-off late game makes sense for lore reasons? She's in it for pleasure not winning yeah?
  4. M

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    How does one start as a female or herm?
  5. M

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    No need for apologies. Just trying to help report strange behavior. Subject of: taking hypnotic semen seems to give the benefit to my opponent as well as myself.
  6. M

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    Got the primal cock and couldn't find a trigger event for the "Toggle Knot" ability mentioned in the master skill list.