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  1. D

    Do you always get ntred in seeds of chaos?

    Thats great then im totally gonna play then! And since it looks so good if i really like it ill totally support on patreon!
  2. D

    Do you always get ntred in seeds of chaos?

    So it says you can turn Nice Time for Roo seens on or off if i turn them off will my wife cheat on me anyway but i just wont see it. or will she actually be faithful?
  3. D

    To anyone who played a lot of harem collector I have a question

    ugh thanks for the info and i refuse to share my harem with some shitty vamp
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    To anyone who played a lot of harem collector I have a question

    Im on the count corgan fight, i know its one of the hardest fights in the game. All i need to know is does the fight end when you kill his bat form? or is there a third form? if so ill really need to hold of on fighting him.
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    Looking for games with harem building aspects

    and which of those titles is your favorite?
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    Looking for games with harem building aspects

    Recruiting people was always my favorite part in both corruption of champions an trials in tainted space any games that focus more on these harem building concepts? oh and it would be great if theyre free too
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    Kiro Panties?

    Does this count as a bug?
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    Kiro Panties?

    Can you only get Kiro's panties if you don't take her virginity during the distress call? Cause if that's true i'm fucked