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  1. Leonid

    Queen of the Deep's Young

    Nice necro dude.
  2. Leonid

    Mom's Spaghetti

    After reading the last few comments im quite shocked, i was actually even more hyped for the faction system than the nursery and the space combat. Ps: Savin please don´t cut Amara, i love her. T_____T
  3. Leonid

    [RPG] The Dark Lord's Trip

    He made a new post on Patreon.
  4. Leonid

    [Implemented] Paige, the Yoga Instructor

    Btw the 500000 credits for her treatment seems to be a lot for people who can´t beat Dr.Lash on a regular basis.
  5. Leonid

    [Implemented] Paige, the Yoga Instructor

    She doesn´t have the money to pay for the treatment she wants.
  6. Leonid

    [Implemented] Paige, the Yoga Instructor

    Just finished readinng the hole thing and i love it, even more than i loved Brooke. :perfect: btw some Daredevil referenz (in silly mode) while sparring would be awsome. :smugdog:
  7. Leonid

    Your most embarassing guilty pleasure outside of smut?

    I like Pluto Nash ... shame on me.
  8. Leonid

    [editors needed] Nilleps' shop

    But you do realise how ridiculus that sound in german? You just named them Cave people. :D