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  1. C

    [0.9.090-BACKER-ELECTRON#4585] Kiro Quest Twins injection debuff not properly removed at end of battle

    If you battle the twins during Kiro Quest, if they use the injection on you and the status effect is still active after you win, if you have sex with them (can only confirm lead the train at the moment), the stat modifier stays, even after the status effect is removed. If you rematch them in vr...
  2. C

    Geothermal Spike can't hit enemies who aren't flying, but could fly

    Title. Just about any enemy where flying is a buff but not necessarily always on is always treated as flying by geothermal spike
  3. C

    Looking for a game I forgot the name of...

    It's an HTML game. You're a person wanting to get involved with BDSM or something and end up getting kidnapped by your would-be dom. It's kinda like slave trainer but you're the slave. You could set your name, your dom's name, and there were 3 settings for how long it would be until the end and...
  4. C

    Inscribed Spellblade?

    I've been having Dominika blow me for about a week in game with 100 int, how do I get her to give me the sword?