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  1. schad013

    Legend of Krystal G

    You could try this . . . Haven't double checked it.
  2. schad013

    10 things that make me click on a game and what makes me not.

    Agree on the absurd body sizing beyond human limits - come on, a penis that's a 3rd leg, or could cause fainting from blood loss, boobs that arrive 2 turns before the character. . . Don't call it sandbox and then railroad - discovered during play Dislike heavy pigeon holing / black & white...
  3. schad013

    Excess venus pitcher flowers . . .

    When you return to Mhen-ga to get a Venus Pitcher flower - you can get one by resisting one at a choke point. That said I didn't realize you could get multiple ones . . . Since I haven't tried selling them at the various unlocked locations - is there any other purpose for them or is the...
  4. schad013

    Inventory / storage . . .

    When you transfer items from inventory to ship storage you send all items in that slot and then get back all items in that slot when taken. How hard is it to apply the system like when you sell items to it? You get to choose how many items you stash away or transfer back to inventory. In...