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  1. CherenTheCat

    [0.9.012-Public#2554] Can't equip penis accessories

    Whenever I try equipping a penis accessory (generally Ball Cinch, since it's closest to where my save is), the game crashes with this error: Attempted to itemCollect() with no valid potential items. Stack: a@
  2. CherenTheCat

    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1250] Game Crashing, unsure cause.

    Hello, I loaded my save, and whenever too much time passes, the game crashes with the attached error. I am a Kui-Tan currently undergoing the Cum-Cow treatment, and have been sleeping to accelerate it. I'm unsure if it has something to do with Nuki Nuts, or something else.
  3. CherenTheCat

    (0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1107) UI Theming not functioning

    I'm trying to customize my UI colors. The preview displays everything correctly, but when i hit "apply", only very minor ui elements change, such as the scroll bar, and everything else remains default. Saving to and then Loading from a file doesn't help, either.