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  1. WhatAmIDoing

    Zheng Shi Content Discussion (GENERAL) (PLANET UNFINISHED)

    Never had the time to sit down for streams. But damn, what a nice surprise. Really looking forward to it. Waiting years, and throwing useless shockblades into my ships in hopes of an interaction like this. Feels kinda odd to get what I wanted while not asking for it. I only really kept it...
  2. WhatAmIDoing

    Stupidly gay

    Stupidly gay
  3. WhatAmIDoing

    Zheng Shi Content Discussion (GENERAL) (PLANET UNFINISHED)

    I dig Dane, still want to revenge fuck him ever since the literal start of this game. I also REALLY would appreciate an option to return his electric blade thing to him as well. Because lord knows no one needs it at 10th level. Seeing how lackluster in terms of content as if now though, I'm...
  4. WhatAmIDoing

    Demon Mechanic Fanciction M/M

    It wasn't really meant to be part of the game. Just something I wanted to do. I started this really early, so I wasn't sure what to do with it. I'll leave it be ´\/('~')\/`
  5. WhatAmIDoing

    Demon Mechanic Fanciction M/M

    Its my first time writing on Google docs so bare with me. And I'm not much of a writer so give some tips to help. Also I'm not sure what was going so I kinda made it part fan fiction and part descision...
  6. WhatAmIDoing

    A short story

    (Sorry fir noticing this late.) It was nice, denfinity a good read.
  7. WhatAmIDoing

    Fire Emblem Fates

    Time for some killing. I love Peri, but I had to leave her behind. *sniff* I bought it as soon as it came out. Even then gamestop only had conquest. While this being my first game from the FE series I was fairly new. But watching awakening on youtube *cough* Etika *cough* I thought I could...
  8. WhatAmIDoing

    How'd You Find Fenoxo/CoC/TiT/FoE?

    I was just on e621, looking at old flashes and all, then I found Coc. I didnt think about really putting much research into the game, so I played it on and off for 2 years, found TiTs in its earliest stages on the same site. Played that for a while, went back to Coc, and finally decided to look...