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  1. Divil Fox

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    I just want more canine girls (dog/wolf). In my experience, catgirls appear to outnumber most other kinds of animal people in erotic media and I’ve become kind of numb (heh) to them.
  2. Divil Fox

    When did you start playing these games and why?

    Last year, and it was a thread on RPGCodex, of all places, on adult games and CoC was one of the games talked about. The screenshots and discussions about it (the variety of encounters, the attribute system, the customization of the Champion) piqued my interest, I played it, and was quite happy...
  3. Divil Fox

    Book Recommendations

    Because the Fenoxo/Savin catalogue are text-based games, I thought, why not make a thread about books/literature? So I’m starting it, and my recommendation would be the Eternal Champion series, specifically the Elric Saga, from author Michael Moorcock. It’s weird fantasy from the mid-60s, it’s...
  4. Divil Fox

    Technical Help

    Ignore this, testing spoiler tags.
  5. Divil Fox

    How does the Champ’s magic work?

    So this was probably a misunderstanding on my part; I assumed that the “magical blood” line was a specific reference to the Mage classes, but if it appears regardless of class then no problem.
  6. Divil Fox

    How does the Champ’s magic work?

    When rolling as a Black Mage, after finishing the dungeon upgrade for the Wayfort, it mentioned the Champ not wanting to be around the magic-nullifying electrum discs because their “blood was too magical” or some such. So I was wondering if the Champ (going by D&D rules) was closer to a Wizard...
  7. Divil Fox

    Memeable Moments

    When Big Champ Daddy finds Taoth’s hideout
  8. Divil Fox

    Technical Help

    I wanted to post a video for the meme thread for CoC 2, but my experience for this forum (and forums in general) is… lacking. So I don’t know if posting the video itself is fine, or if the url is preferred. Cheers. Edit: NVM I think I figured it out.
  9. Divil Fox

    What content would you like added?

    Most of the characters I roll don’t have a vagina, but for Ryn I would get one (partially because most other “nobles” are already a part of the Champ dynasty, so let’s get another in there, and because the level of intimacy and sweetness from it would be too good to pass up).
  10. Divil Fox

    So what is the time limit for Necro thread?

    A year-and-a-half (maybe) to two years (certain).
  11. Divil Fox

    What content would you like added?

    When I saw that line, combined with the new zone coming up, I already suspected that was going that to happen. It is unlikely (but I dream it so) that its going to be a Miko/Mai scenario, with an exclusive pregnancy, and (still dreaming here) which partner gets chosen affects the direction of...
  12. Divil Fox

    What content would you like added?

    I know crafting is out, but what if the Champ could make things like Vulnerary, leananstone, etc., via alchemy (I’ve always had a bit of a hard-on for pseudo-science in fantasy). Also, the Champ being able to breed/get bred by a certain...