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  1. W

    Error while shopping

    Much appreciated, thank you for the help
  2. W

    Error while shopping

    I think it was the goblin one, but I did notice I had zero credits as well. When I went back to before the planet I had over 10k so it was definitely a problem with the currency somehow
  3. W

    Error while shopping

    Actually I am pretty sure this is where the error started because I went back to a save I had before that planet and the shops still work
  4. W

    Error while shopping

    I did play the halloween event, I spent 1000 on one of the costumes and perhaps that planet (poe A) used a different currency?
  5. W

    Error while shopping

    Got an error while pressing the shop button at Carls, I also got the same problem when shopping at other places. Might be a problem with buying items ? A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or...
  6. W

    Question about modding

    can you give me a step by step on how you edit it please, its really bugging me that it isnt working.
  7. W

    Question about modding

    i edit the source code with flash developer but when i run the swf it doesnt seem to work, do you recommend any flash development tools specifically or am i just editing wrong somehow.
  8. W

    Adding Gifs

    I know it is possible to add gifs to Coc but they are frozen when i add them, is there a way to make the gifs actually work.
  9. W

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Hello, I have been trying to edit the source code i have but any changes i make to the code doesnt affect the game, im using flash developer and i was wondering what i was doing wrong. i edited by going to the folder classes-classes-scenes and then i selected camp. i changed it so it would say...
  10. W

    Adding More Images

    Ya I'm using flash developer. What I do is open the file I want to edit with it and then edit it. Is there a better flash editor? Or maybe I'm just using it wrong. 
  11. W

    Adding More Images

    Ok so i think i know why this isnt working for me. I tried deleting all the writing it says in that scene by removing "outputText("What would you like to do?", true)". By removing this it shouldnt say that when i click it anymore, but it still does. So the file im editing either has no effect on...
  12. W

    Adding More Images

    I think im doing something wrong, what i did was go from the CoC folder to Classes-classes-scenes then the camp folder and inserting the call and added the call in the image.xml but it didnt seem to work. this is how it looks in the area i changed it //----------------- //-- CAMP ACTIONS...
  13. W

    Adding More Images

    I attempted editing it, but it didnt seem to work. I dont think i am inserting the call for it in the right area.
  14. W

    Adding More Images

    What flash editor would i need, also i have the folder for Coc is the source code in there? sorry im not too familiar with scripting.
  15. W

    Adding More Images

    Is there a way to add more images. I know how to add the images by naming the images and such but i was wondering if there was a way to make it so more images could appear at different scenes. im not talking about multiple images to the same scene like image_1 and image_2 im talking about adding...