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  1. Doc_Vermin

    The needed wiki updates.

    Several consumables including Frontrack cream, Loftcake, Shortcake, Breeder's Bliss, Fizzy fix, and probably some others that I'm missing. Good luck with the updating.
  2. Doc_Vermin

    Doctor VJ Vermin's Fantastic Discussamatorium & Great TiTS Submitions Thread!

    Suggestion noted & implemented. Chernoballs now come in green, blue, red, yellow & purple.
  3. Doc_Vermin

    Doctor VJ Vermin's Fantastic Discussamatorium & Great TiTS Submitions Thread!

    So, under the assumption that thread necromancy is fine as long as one contributes something, I'm going Herbert West all up in this motherfucker. Just hope I don't end up making an ass of you and umption, or however that goes. Anyway. Chernoballs; start a nuclear meltdown... in your pants...
  4. Doc_Vermin

    Rorai's Free Art Thread

    So I'll step into the queue, here. A character from a thing I'm beavering away at quietly in the background; Vern, the ex-smuggler from New Texas:- Edit: also, this thread is awesome & Rorai should feel awesome.
  5. Doc_Vermin

    Is The Kiro Kally Threesome In Yet

    I, too, would appreciate advice on the matter.
  6. Doc_Vermin

    Is The Kiro Kally Threesome In Yet

    Unfortunately, the Wiki is hopelessly out of date; I've just checked it to confirm and unless I missed something there's nothing under Kiro or Kally about a threesome. Kally's sex section is limited to "If you're a bimbo you can blow her", and Kiro's section only mentions Saendra (under the...
  7. Doc_Vermin

    Throbb use

    You just need to open the article about Throbb on your Codex.
  8. Doc_Vermin

    What's the official word on language barriers?

    Oh, that's an easy one:
  9. Doc_Vermin

    Angus, A Potential Male Follower from New Texas

    Welcome back, Foxxling! Nice to see you return!
  10. Doc_Vermin

    Just Who is Captain Steele?

    (Alternatively; "Gee, Cobra, how come your mom let you have ten wieners?") Yeah, the main plot is kind of dawdling at this point. What I like to do is play the game for a while, then go away from it for a few months; just completely stop playing it for a good, long while. Then when I come back...
  11. Doc_Vermin

    Just Who is Captain Steele?

    Did she win?
  12. Doc_Vermin

    Chastity belt/cage.

    Well, I seem to have made a numpty of myself on a number of levels in this thread, I think perhaps it's time to let this idea drop. Thank you everyone for your time & I'll head on back to the drawing board to come up with something else.
  13. Doc_Vermin

    Chastity belt/cage.

    It's fine; I'd rather learn all this now than after I've writen up however-many pages of stuff for it! Also; Ahem-hem; by the powers of the ancient unnameable ones, by the four winds, by all the princes of hell; I, Doctor Vermin, summon you, oh devs! Hear my invocation come fourth! Ia @Savin...
  14. Doc_Vermin

    Chastity belt/cage.

    Aaaww... first the tattoo parlour and now this. Ho hum, that's why we have the Ideas board, I suppose. Although I wouldn't have thought it would be to difficult to institute; for the purpose of sex-scenes it would just count as though the player doesn't have that particular set of genitals. In...
  15. Doc_Vermin

    How'd You Find Fenoxo/CoC/TiT/FoE?

    I was browsing Fchan and someone had posted an old version of CoC on the Flash board. I spent pretty much a solid weekend masturbating before I'd exhausted everything to do in that version, and then I just looked up this '' the game advertised on the opening screen, and I've been here...
  16. Doc_Vermin

    Chastity belt/cage.

    If people seem interested, you bet your sweet bippy I will!
  17. Doc_Vermin

    Chastity belt/cage.

    Would people be interested in a chastity belt and/or cage device of some form? The basic idea is that it would disable the use of one or more sets of genitals, while leaving the anus exposed. I don't think it would be too hard to institute from a mechanical perspective, and I know some people...
  18. Doc_Vermin

    Just Who is Captain Steele?

    I have to say; I'm impressed with the level of thought that Kesil & Coalsack have put into their respective Steeles' personalities. They make my brief summaries look somewhat superficial! I'm liking what I've read so far; I hope more people post thier Steeles!
  19. Doc_Vermin

    Just Who is Captain Steele?

    Ouch! What happened?
  20. Doc_Vermin

    Just Who is Captain Steele?

    How far have you gotten?