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  1. heartrisen

    [0.9.101] Vermillion's Scene increase gender alignment?

    Start to noticed npc calling my character with female pronounce instead of male so I went back to find what's going on. Found out when I do oral service for nuka nun, my gender alignment went up from 47 to 53. Is it a bug or completely normal?
  2. heartrisen

    Ardia recruitable after sent her to her mom?

    Freed all the slave and I asked Ardia to escape. After that, an option to recruit her appear but I choose not to. After I go to Tavros I still see her avaliable for recruit at the beach. So, based on the wiki information Shouldn't it impossible to...
  3. heartrisen

    Can't move after asking Siegewulfe to stay.

    After I ask Siegewulfe to stay on the ship, I can't move anywhere. I think I saw someone sending similar bug report on previous version. Help please?
  4. heartrisen

    Quest from Kimber, but...

    I accepted the quest from Kimber to acquired hair of 3 species and one of them is raskvel. I haven't recruit Shekka yet but the ship have an option avialable, could you do something please?
  5. heartrisen

    Psychic Armor not stacking?

    on Psychic Armor description: "Increases defense by 1 and grants minimum defense equal to your level." Whenever I tried to equip anything that has defense, it won't stacking them but displaying the same amount of it. Can you help? (I'm half sure this isn't a bug, but I can't go post thread on...