Search results

  1. H

    [Version: 0.9.091-PUBLIC-ANDROID#4678] Arza quest broke.

    Yeah and from the look of it, this is the least of the problem in this patch.
  2. H

    [Version: 0.9.091-PUBLIC-ANDROID#4678] Arza quest broke.

    Version: 0.9.091-PUBLIC-ANDROID#4678 Message: window.sydianQueenBustString is not a function Stack: TypeError: window.sydianQueenBustString is not a function at Object.$i (file:///android_asset/www/content_follower.a7ade5ac.js:1:2687020) at...
  3. H

    How do I start Maial quest?

    Thank you
  4. H

    How do I start Maial quest?

    I am stupid pls help