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  1. wolfraider13

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Cool Signature...That's it...that's all I got...
  2. wolfraider13

    Build: 0.5.37 Kiyoko Misgendering Fem-Champ

    During the the flower picking scene in preparation to marry Ahmri, Kiyoko calls the Fem-Champ "Husband" instead of "Beloved" I keep forgetting to take screenshots sorry...
  3. wolfraider13

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Way to convince me to make yet another character @WolframL I have to see the noble checks now...thanks buddy...
  4. wolfraider13

    Your gripes with CoC II

    A wiseperson once said "Opinions are like *ssholes- everyones got one and they all stink." I like @Alypia's take...I may not agree with your opinion...heck I may even tease you about it, cause I tease everyone even myself, but you are welcome to your opinion as long as you aren't hurting anyone...
  5. wolfraider13

    Your gripes with CoC II

    "I had two chances and chose none of the above. Now I'm angy about it." - also my 5'5 wyld elf so while I'm making fun I also feel the pain on one of my characters lol
  6. wolfraider13

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Fair point. I was simply stating My views and preferences. If the sequences become relevant down the line I'll go back and slog through them, I did half of it on one of my characters maybe I'll finish it to see...
  7. wolfraider13

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I get it. But like @Kingu2 was saying it's emersion breaking for me. I actually do enjoy the rest of the kitsune content, just not that particular portion of it so I usually just skip it, I haven't seen where it impacts my games in any meaningful ways if later on with an update it does I may go...
  8. wolfraider13

    [0.6.15+] CoC2 Save Editor v64

    Waits patiently for the next update while also starting yet another new character...
  9. wolfraider13

    Your least-liked Companion?

    Feel the same way, that's why Arona is another of my "your quest is done stay home" companions lol
  10. wolfraider13

    Your least-liked Companion?

    With all the hate being directed towards Kiyoko and the den I kinda feel like weighing in on my perspective and personal thoughts/ views. Yes the entire den is supposed to represent a sorta pseudo-Japanese culture where the PC is alienated no matter what they do but honestly I felt that on a...
  11. wolfraider13

    Your least-liked Companion?

    I feel the same way. I do like writers that can write a different variety of scenes that encompass or include my PCs unique genitalia (double dick herm for win!!) Big reason I like the way @Alypia writes is she is very detailed with her NPCs when it comes to interacting with the PC. No dick? No...
  12. wolfraider13

    Your least-liked Companion?

    I think I play the game a bit differently then some/ most people. I usually can't really see myself in the PC. Sure it's fun domming and beating up a bunch of npcs but still. Having said that, the way you write Annika's scenes....yum... no issues whatsoever love my domme valky dick milf.
  13. wolfraider13

    Your least-liked Companion?

    I don't really have any major issue with any of the companions, except Quin (consent man, come on). Minor issues...tho yep... For Ryn even after she becomes "confident" she's still not exactly confident. There just isn't really that much of a change in her interactions which for me made the...
  14. wolfraider13

    Your gripes with CoC II

    We understand...just also horny for the vamprix :p
  15. wolfraider13

    [0.5.34] Artifice testing cannot be completed properly

    Running into the same thing after the update...
  16. wolfraider13

    [0.6.15+] CoC2 Save Editor v64

    Save locally in the downloaded one (the one you want to edit), then load that file in the browser (the place you are going to do the editing). Make sure you close out of the opened downloaded game on your computer or the browser won't be able to locate the game files. after doing your edits save...
  17. wolfraider13

    Wsan CoC2 content

    First and foremost WOOHOO!!! and yes to both? cause either has me giddy and both has my downright dizzy lol Love this game and the creators...
  18. wolfraider13

    Wsan CoC2 content

    Sorry if this has been asked before but will family matters be completed anytime soon or the house at least be made re-available?
  19. wolfraider13

    [0.6.15+] CoC2 Save Editor v64

    I tried uploading my copies...but yeah they big. Other game editing options are to use the console commands. F12 or ctr+shift+i on browser they don't work with downloaded versions but again saves go back and forth freely...
  20. wolfraider13

    [0.6.15+] CoC2 Save Editor v64

    I've gotten the editor to continue to work by saving my files to local, loading that save in 5.32, saving to my hard drive, editing what I need to edit then loading in 5.33...annoying but it works. And obviously I play the downloaded versions and save a couple of the previous versions cause I'm...