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  1. G

    [0.9.049-PUBLIC#3251] Ship Storage Softlock

    Forgot you could teleport with the cheat menu XD Jumped to Tarkus and bought the bag upgrade, which in my case was just enough to clear the overload. Ty.
  2. G

    [0.9.049-PUBLIC#3251] Ship Storage Softlock

    To clarify: when in the ship storage menu, you cannot hit 'accept' unless both the Player and Ship inventories are below their respective storage limit. This makes it impossible to clear grossly overloaded storage if the overload is greater than the character's current inventory capacity. As a...
  3. G

    Checking your stats crashes the game [0.9.030-PUBLIC#2768]

    I found a simpler fix, and I think maybe the explanation... Bang somebody. It seems like it might be related to the new 'Others' Orgasms' section of the stats page, specifically the fact that at game start nobody's had any. I had the stats page working while still on FIRST-14, and a few...