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  1. 1

    buck report planet dhaal

    I found a small buck the keep crashing my game every time I trying to take that action the planet I am on is dhaal Monika I'm trying to play darts
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    bog report

    I found out how the bug appeared if you go to Tarkus and pick up sex robot named Bess an order some clothes to her you can actually pick up her clothes however if you try to go to a vendor afterward bug will appear and prevent you for using all vendors
  3. 1

    I found a huge bug. you might want to fix this immediately. I cannot go to any vendor and buy anything so the problem is worse and I first thought

    Version: 0.9.058-BACKER-ELECTRON#3462 Message: PlaceholderArmor requires it's canMergeWith call to be overridden if it has dynamic properties. Stack: TiTSException: PlaceholderArmor requires it's canMergeWith call to be overridden if it has dynamic properties. at r...
  4. 1

    I found this buck on Tarkus. I tried to use the wild vendor the cat man

    Version: 0.9.058-BACKER-ELECTRON#3462 Message: PlaceholderArmor requires it's canMergeWith call to be overridden if it has dynamic properties. Stack: TiTSException: PlaceholderArmor requires it's canMergeWith call to be overridden if it has dynamic properties. at r...
  5. 1

    I went into the store run by sabrae and I bought Cybernetic Subprocessor I'm try to install that into my brain but this happened instead

    Version: 0.9.039-BACKER-ELECTRON#2974 Message: Button config for a button called Cybernetic Subprocessor may have an erroneus argument left over from Actionscript! Stack: TiTSException: Button config for a button called Cybernetic Subprocessor may have an erroneus argument left over from...
  6. 1

    bug report Game Version: 0.9.024

    every time I try to leave from the store the cells the item Pupper Popper an Laquine Ears I get soft lock outside off the stores the name of the store is Fur Effect
  7. 1

    bug report

    A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below: Version: 0.9.023-BACKER-ELECTRON#2621 Message: window.showBrothelLady is not a function Stack: TypeError...
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    bug report

    when I went up to this bear man all the options were missing un tavros station
  9. 1

    Black Bunny

    by the way can you please Nerf the Black Bunny I am max level Ann's she takes me down two to three hits oh yes she hits my health and stay off my shield
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    I found this Bug when I try to help penny with her zil problem

    A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below: Version: 0.9.022-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#2600 Message: penny.short is not a function Stack: TypeError: penny.short is...
  11. 1

    I found a bug inside the nursery every time I tried to give birth this happens please try to fix this and it's happens with multiple races

    Version: 0.9.011-BACKER-ELECTRON#2283 Message: allBirths is not defined Stack: ReferenceError: allBirths is not defined at Object. (file:///C:/Users/Simon/Saved%20Games/special%20...) at file:///C:/Users/Simon/Saved%20Games/special%20... at s (file:///C:/Users/Simon/Saved%20Games/special%20...)