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  1. Blaasz

    New update soft-locked my game

    Heya fellas. In the new update, they "Fixed ship storage limits not being properly applied. (Gedan)" Unfortunately, this adjusted the inventory limits of my ship, making some parts way over the inventory limit. Because of how the game works, you cannot exit the inventory screen while your...
  2. Blaasz

    (V0.4.44) Vaginally Filled status not applying

    If the player chooses to have sex with the Frost Pupper, and choose the "Get Fucked" option, it does not leave you vaginally filled at the end. Firefox 91.9.0esr F12 error: Loading failed for the <script> with source “”. Pic Below. No status...
  3. Blaasz

    (V0.4.41) Text error in erotic scene

    During a scene where your character asks to be bred by Lady Evergreen, there is a large section of text that stays Italicized, even though it's not spoken. Looks like a simple error when the scene was written. Firefox 91.8.0esr No F12 issues. Pic below.