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  1. BlazeAize

    Jarl Parley

    so i figured out why it wasn't working for me finally. So apparently i already did this quest and somehow it unchecked itself for some reason. long story short, i had to go in my save file and uncheck switch most of the flags for this quest to 0 so i could redo all of them. after doing so, I'm...
  2. BlazeAize

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    i relate to that irritation for totally different reasons haha
  3. BlazeAize

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    Me personally i am 50 50 on it. Berry was fine but i never interacted with him all that much because he was a guy (and im not into femboys or guys) but since i could just not interact with him (out of sight) i didnt mind him. As how i am with games that get changed to get more "main stream"...
  4. BlazeAize

    Request get incest back.

    In total agreance. There so many things that I'm not cool with even in fiction but I couldn't imagine something as simple as incest being one of them. It truely hurts because it holds back the content I was looking forward to the most.
  5. BlazeAize

    Syri, anno and the game

    You don't have to do anything. I believe after youve walked in on them talking to their parents after a week I believe when you go talk to anno on the ship and she will be dressing up and you automatically help her with her dress. She will talk about getting syri to go shopping. fly to tavros...
  6. BlazeAize

    Hellhound Syri

    I had this same issue you just need to do the quest the doctor gives you and after you talk to syri about maybe becoming a hellcow then it should pop up in his menu
  7. BlazeAize

    Am I alone in thinking the UX of the older UI was better?

    While I don't hate the new u.i because I enjoy the things you can do with it, it Is a tad bit annoying. You get pop ups when you load, you can't have busts be big without having the map be small, the buttons are sometimes too far away, some buttons are confusing for a second, selling and buying...
  8. BlazeAize

    Request get incest back.

    Wish it could just be a thing you could side load in a sense. All the wtf shit on Patreon but this is what's off the table... We truely live in an unjust world xD
  9. BlazeAize

    is their a way to undo flags that were triped in the Tits save editer?

    Same thing has happened to me with a quest..I took an idol accidently and now I can't resolve it peacefully but I have no idea how to put it back in my save.
  10. BlazeAize

    Syri, anno and the game

    After starting the prock (going to Anno's room and helping her dress), I then went to tavos and tried to walk into the lingerie shop and it automatically started. The whole line ends a bit too fast in my eyes sadly and the payoff is kinda basic if I'm being honest.
  11. BlazeAize

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    Hmm gripes would mostly be things like I understand if you lose a fight then you're at the mercy of the winner but for consensual sex you can't set that you don't want to be fucked in the ass and some scenes will have you fucked in the ass with no say so with how you want to be as well as it...