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  1. PrivateSparky

    Help Converting Old TiTS file to json

    Sorry, I meant to convert the old Flash save version that I have to be compatible with the Javascript version. I'd rather not start a Javascript game from scratch IF possible....
  2. PrivateSparky

    Help Converting Old TiTS file to json

    I stopped playing the game back in mid-2022 and decided I wanted to hop back in with the latest version. I unfortunately misplaced my save file. I still however, have the old legacy flash launcher with my old saves but when I tried to convert them in json files, I got informed I had an...
  3. PrivateSparky

    Crash when accessing crew

    Anyway, I just checked. Its been patched. Cheers!
  4. PrivateSparky

    Crash when accessing crew

    I loaded up a file I created from the downloaded legacy version. Accessed the crew menu on the Sidewinder ship and the game crashes. I'm playing with the Clown Car cheat on. I also noted the crash only happens when clicking the crew member A-R tab while crew R-Y can be accessed as normal...
  5. PrivateSparky

    Game cannot advance after hatching of Mirrin's daughter Jenta

    After Jenta hatched from her egg, I went to the nursery to visit her. However, the game appears to be unable to advance after the final section of the scene. It doesn't crash or anything. Just doesn't let me advance. I can access the main menu, load an old save file and swap between the map...