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  1. 2

    [Fixt] Uveto, Chrissy, and a Ramis error

    So, this one's kind of a doosey; if I'm understanding the error right. Previously recruited Ramis, but have since removed her from my ship. Was flying from Myrellion to Tavros Picked up a distress signal, leading to the Zaalt incounter. Finished that by helping him after inspecting cargo...
  2. 2

    [Fixt] ZilHoverFly attack error

    Attempted a third time. Used "Power Strike" twice in a row and the same error appeared. Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1308 creature.shield is deprecated (ZilHoverFly)
  3. 2

    [Fixt] ZilHoverFly attack error

    While fighting the Flying Zil on the waterfall during the plantation quest, alternating between ranged and melee attacks seems to result Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1308 creature.shield is deprecated (ZilHoverFly) I got this error twice in a row. I was spamming ranged attacks, then attempted to...
  4. 2

    Attack Error (Plantation Quest)

    Took a flying Zil's shields down with ranged attacks, then attempted a basic melee attack. Got error: Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1248 creature.shield is deprecated (ZilHoverFly)
  5. 2

    Kane Defeat (Plantation Quest)

    Hadn't saved for a while, so I jumped back in after I saw this reply and rushed to the quest. Same results, so now I do have a reliable save to replicate. Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1248 Message: undefined has no properties Stack...
  6. 2

    Kane Defeat (Plantation Quest)

    Lost to Kane at the bottom of the waterfall. Nothing else out of the ordinary. Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1248 Message: undefined has no properties Stack: value@ M@
  7. 2

    Upgraded Goo-zooka

    Completed Anno's quest, recruited her, upgraded the goo zooka, attempted to use it in combat on Tarkus. Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1158 Message: GrayMicrobots is not defined Stack: value@
  8. 2

    Anno Error

    We got her on the ship, but attempting to change her uniform results in: Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1130 Message: Attempted to equip an item (ST. Catsuit) without removing an existing item (Shrt Nme) in the same slot first on Anno. Stack...
  9. 2

    Anno Error

    Posted this error about 30 seconds before the patch dropped, oddly. About to test it again.
  10. 2

    Anno Error

    Had 4 (max) crew members. Did Anno's mission, tried to recruit her and succeeded. Headed to the bar Did a sex scene with Tessa (Can't recall which one) When the sex scene moved me to my ship, I got error Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1105 creature.armor is deprecated (Anno)