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  1. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    Makes sense !! - Still was feeling pretty Wierd xD especialy on kero's part One moment : go forth my champion" and right the next day : Champion :: how the hell does he know ma name ? O.O( when keros revives Kiyoko and all that )
  2. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    Bid disapointed : being turned as Kitsune very early on - and Kiyoko does not react none to it . wile at the same time Kero's Champion asking Kero's him self " how do you know my name " ..... erm - wierd - feels wierd
  3. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    Agreed - now only thing left is to "release" all that Pentup well built tension! Hell it feels almost the same as when learning all the fked up shit Handsome Jack was doing when first time playing Borderlands 2 - good Job indeed - now ... wheres ma shotgun!!
  4. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    oh well back to the playthrough :D - want to see how many things might change if i change my character to a Kitsune Champion as soon as possible in the story during encounters . dialogue
  5. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    Same thing happend on the thread i had about Zo and her impact on CoC 2 story - as soon as i edited the Original post to make it more about constructing possitive alternatives its the second day that its still up for review - idk what thats about
  6. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    i didnt - it was qued for review from Moderator's it seems as soon as i started editing it to make it less about the torture methods . but oh well deleted it anyway - was a good vent tho thinking about rogue squirming in a corner
  7. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    How about a bit of both - Kinu going after Raphael beating the daylights out of him and his ego - wile at the same time in paralel Her father ( champion ) goes on a one Man/Woman Rampage on his followers and contacts ( also the one that put him up to it ) only for the climax to be Raphael...
  8. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

  9. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    No mater where he is Hiding . His fate has allready been sealed the moment he got fixated on Molesting / Murdering / Violate / Mame . One of the Living ancestor's of keros - one at that the trickster god has voiced affection for . and ontop of it all promised to be there for when her wedding...
  10. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    thats the thing the PC has allready vouched / promised /Sweared/ to Kinu that if they EVER find that Bastard he is dead meat : more accurately :: a walking piece of meat thats about to regret drawing breath in this world BEFORE you even start the Murdering of his being
  11. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    if you mean the while he speaks and behaves during a conversation ? "maybe" put the actions in to the mix ? and in one case is Murder Nuke with vengeance . and on the other is Murder Nuke with Equality Vengeance !! - IM AN EQUAL OPORTUNITY NUKER. atempted Murder of children is one thing - but...
  12. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    i dont know - i just want to "see" him - let Kinu have her way with him - temporarily stop her from murdering him in to oblivion - and then with the coldes way possible explain to him 1) how and why kitsune are not deamons 2) have him realise who he is talking to and 3) tell him that the Den he...
  13. NovaHuggles

    That rogue Bastard !!

    Any1 else wants to find that dam Raphael and make him wish he was never born ? :D
  14. NovaHuggles

    Who else thinks that Zo is awesome ?

    Lets use a fire extinguisher and turn page id say : in the spirit of maybe creating some cool ideas for those said writers to draw upon if they do indeed pay atention to the post in the near or far future :) - if i were to include Zo more in the upcoming story chapters / missions - think i...
  15. NovaHuggles

    Who else thinks that Zo is awesome ?

    Staaare !!!\<(o_o)>/
  16. NovaHuggles

    Who else thinks that Zo is awesome ?

    Exactly why i made the post - to spark conversation about it - point it out as a relatively good idea - a writer taking his or her work in a serious maner allways looks for inspiration in idea's to create . If noone ever conversed - theorised - proposed - speculated - Story Writing would...
  17. NovaHuggles

    Who else thinks that Zo is awesome ?

    " its been stated "? where is that statement then since you seem so sure of your self and opinion! - link it if you please :) also "shoehorning" are you for real ? we talking about a game in a world of horny deamons fuckfesting kingdom's to make imps - and aiming to make the residents of that...
  18. NovaHuggles

    Who else thinks that Zo is awesome ?

    It does not match you say ?lets take one of her aspects in that concept she has of Mind body spirit control and trust ::tranquility - Any kind of body experience can be blocked off - and what does thaat main vilain we have do>? coirrupt people in to slowly giving into corruption through the...
  19. NovaHuggles

    Who else thinks that Zo is awesome ?

    Maybe - maybe not - but ye - i think ive been a bit 2 defencive here in my reply .most likely cause ive enjoyed the aspect of pure story in coc and coc 2 so much at this point that i want to see it explored and flushed out more - the horny naughty aspect of it is cool and all but . personaly the...
  20. NovaHuggles

    Who else thinks that Zo is awesome ?

    Never said that a companion has to be tied in to skills - was only replying to what kingu was saying and the logic behind it - that since Zo does not give you anything "usefull" that somehow makes her less Valuable / enjoyable - all im saying here is that h belive Zo according to what the...