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  1. H

    Stuck as a Wyld Elf

    Thank ya for the explanation and the clarification. Sorry if it came off as me not understanding, or as me making fun of ya, I didn't mean for that post to come across that way. Either way, having to use T3 transformations to change something thats ultimatly cosmetic seems a bit extreme, so I'm...
  2. H

    Stuck as a Wyld Elf

    Yeah lmao, its one hell of an afternoon when ya learn that selling your soul to an eldritch horror is the only way to make a minor cosmetic change to your normally mutable body. In fact, giving up my soul hits ESPECIALLY hard after finishing Convocations of Mirrors, so uh... I think I'll pass on...
  3. H

    Stuck as a Wyld Elf

    Ah well, thats a shame. Do we know if there's any planned transformative items and/or content that will be able to change this in the future, or is the pumped tag designed to be unremovable?
  4. H

    Stuck as a Wyld Elf

    Hey everyone, I've really been enjoying CoC 2 so far, but I've run into a problem with changing my race to something other than a Wyld Elf. During character creation I chose Wyld Elf as my starting race and an equine anus as my wyld mark. This wyld mark is stopping my character from being...