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  1. Illdross

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    This (More Galotian Shapeshifting options) And this (Cum Consistence and the Hyper Cum perk)
  2. Illdross

    More options for Galotians shapeshifting ability

    Seems like a mechanical change to me.
  3. Illdross

    Adding Cum Consistence - And a Hyper Cum Perk.

    I think it would be a fun addition~
  4. Illdross

    More options for Galotians shapeshifting ability

    Personally I find, the current options for Galotians shapeshifting to be lacking alot of options like being able to shape your feet grow or and shape tails and wings and the like~ Would be great if this was added :gedthumbsup: