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  1. DaddyLuci

    Kineticist Feedback Thread

    I'm definitely still having this issue in my game. Impossible to escape the Vanae grapple at level 4 and 5 for me. It will say that I succeeded but still keep me in the grapple, and then very rarely it will actually tell me I failed the grapple (I assume that's just a low roll). This is with...
  2. DaddyLuci

    TiTS Runthrough Challenges

    There's a conversation on the Treasure Nova you can only have with him if you lose to him. So it's definitely possible to continue on after losing to him. I'm just not sure if there's a rematch with him later or something, to still end up with him ditched by Jack/Jill
  3. DaddyLuci

    TiTS Runthrough Challenges

    Oh yeah I've never tried a level 1 run Not that you necessarily want to, but can't you lose to Dane without any real repercussions? Or do you have to fight him again later if you do that?
  4. DaddyLuci

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    It exists in CoC and CoC2 At first I thought it was new in CoC2 so it made sense that it just hadn't existed in TiTS But then it turns out it existed in the original in some capacity, so now I just don't understand why it's not there I'm not saying it needs to be perfect, or that it's a...
  5. DaddyLuci

    TiTs Wiki Thread

    Everything on Dhaal is not well documented. That's the only reason I came to this page tbh, I was thinking about getting an account to do editing, but I'm not sure I have the commitment to explore things deeply enough to satisfy what most people expect from the pages either.
  6. DaddyLuci

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Some limited amount of autosave would be great. Realizing that your last save was forever ago when you want to turn something around... Not fun
  7. DaddyLuci

    TiTS Runthrough Challenges

    You'd have to be a Focus Pill addict at that point I started one of those! I didn't go very far though because I was more interested in finishing my first real playthrough Sorry I know this thread has been dead for like 2 years but I was looking for challenges and this page came up a few...
  8. DaddyLuci

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Achievements would be neat. Also if they gave some minor perks, but I'm more interested in the plain achievements personally
  9. DaddyLuci

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I would like it if the non combat options, such as disabling turrets in the Chain quest, gave you XP too