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  1. F

    Inventory/Store issues

    I apologize if this I posted this in the wrong place of if there is already a bigger thread about this but the hotkeys for various features in the store and inventory screens do not seem to be working. I can get into the stores and inventory screens just fine, but actions like "Inspect"...
  2. F

    [0.9.001-BACKER#2069] Suma Cream purchased from Busky on New Texas not working properly.

    Basically, what the title is but the issue is twofold. First, as the title says, using suma cream capsules appears to have no effect Second, if I recall correctly from the non-JS version of TiTS, suma cream was also supposed to have a chance upon purchase to grant a black suma cream capsule...
  3. F

    Character creation with fated name

    Received a critical error that made me reload the game when creating a new character using the fated name "Pwink". Error Message: Attempted to equip an item (Undershirt) without removing an existing item (Undershirt) in the same slot first on Pwink. Stack: InventoryError: Attempted to equip an...