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  1. Gennevie

    Bianca is selling guns now!

    The last merchant I talked to was Kattom and it seems like his inventory carried over to Bianca. In case it's relevant: This was my first time getting treatment from Bianca's stall on Mhen-ga and I did get treated before trying to buy. I clicked "back" and then "Buy" again and she has the right...
  2. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I don't need you being smug and condescending to me again. I made my case now and explained my reasoning, if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. So be it.
  3. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Even if it's just an optional on/off switch like it is in TiTS? I know credits are important and I don't want to remove them, but just having a show/hide button would really make my personal experience better and I think make the game feel more unified than it does. That shouldn't cause people...
  4. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Follow up question for any of the devs who pop up occasionally in this thread, I'm curious about whether any of the posts we make in here matter. I don't know if there's a better place to make posts about a feature or tweak to the game, but I'd just like someone to let me know whether the post...
  5. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Agreed, but the difficulty is that that means something different for everyone. For example I would be disappointed if you were the only person in the world who could cause pregnancies. That very libidinous PC I mentioned earlier doesn't have a dick, so sending in Brint or Arona to bang/knock up...
  6. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Ehhh considering how many different parents my kids have in most runs, I can hardly judge anyone! Monogamy seems impractical in Savarra.
  7. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yeah, I've got a PC who sleeps with literally everyone. She's down for basically whatever, but I just don't like Quin... For someone who joined a damn sex cult he seems really insecure about his sexuality when it comes time to actually get down to it, and it feels like he just takes out that...
  8. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Not to be disparaging because I like quite a lot of what they've written, but I feel like unnecessary/exaggerated conflict and personal drama is a staple of everything written by TheObserver. Garth/Garret/Gwyn, the whole kitsune clan, Salwah's drama queen moments Occasionally this bleeds into...
  9. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Why are you trying to convince me that I don't want a feature that I definitely want and doesn't negatively affect anyone?
  10. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    And that's why options are nice. You keep them on, I'll turn them off.
  11. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    You know, I'd really like someone to add the option that was in TiTS to turn off the "Scene By: xxxxxx" bit. It really takes me out of the game. I'd much rather view the whole game as one whole thing. Plus now I start seeing someone's name next to a new character or plotline and judging it...
  12. Gennevie

    Steam 0.4.10 - Game remembering events/triggers even after loading an old save.

    I assume you're asking me to upload a save file? It's happened across multiple characters, so here's one where I have saved right before the centaur quest. I actually can't get the fix to work at all on this save so the "Heal" option for the behemoth isn't showing up at all.
  13. Gennevie

    Steam 0.4.10 - Game remembering events/triggers even after loading an old save.

    The game seems to be remembering choices I make or events I trigger even after loading an old save. The two clear examples I have so far are: the orc bar after making Arona chief. I saved outside the door and went in, the scene triggers where an orc hits on you and you can choose "No" "Run" or...
  14. Gennevie

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yes, can we please just get consistent training times? The tooltip says "use up the rest of your day" which would indicate that you're about to be jumped to the next morning. That's reasonable. You could also have the trainers in town stop their training at the usual close of business time to...