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    TiTs Wiki Thread

    Farrow Facility sounds good While we're on the topic of the dungeon, anyone knows the exact changes you get from taking cousin's place on the Brightwater path?
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    [Calisequest 2 spoilers] Re: Calise and...

    Even ignoring the fact that their backstories line up PERFECTLY, that she has -100 Holy resist, is the only level 10 around aside from Kas, has the exact same likings as Kas, she's still extremely suspicious; what's with her calling you "darling" and "my Champion", like miss we met 5 minutes...
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    Using Gas Grenade on Rat Raiders crashes the game

    Don't know if it happens elsewhere; haven't tested, don't really use Lust attacks unless the enemy is extremely annoying. This is my most recent save. Also, I have 2 other error shots I wasn't able to post at the time of their, uh, happening, and the saves are long overwritten, should I still...
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    How strong are mages now? - Current thief wanting to be a mage again

    Eh, I'm also a crit Thief and I'm having a pretty decent time even on Undermountain, usually 2-6 turn battles on most mobs without fear of actually losing until RNG remembers that it hates me with a burning passion (on Normal, idk about Dark, not about to restart 50 times due to getting 1-crit...
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    All Lady Evergreen interactions?

    As the title (somewhat) implies I'd like to know all the interactions you get with Evergreen after a certain number of times of doing X thing; like"'re now a milk-slut" or "'re now her chair", etc... Since I don't know which ones I'm missing and the wiki looks like it lacks some info...