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  1. krogine

    Penny supremecy

    thats the thing with most rpgs. if you dont initially resonate with thing then shiny new thing will take its place. im not gonna say you do or dont like Anno and/or Shade but the fact that you point out specifically doing their stories only highlights how little story there is for Penny and as a...
  2. krogine

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    i want more "varied" array of weapons. i dont mean add a new weapon type, rather, id prefer to throw shit at my enemies. particularly sports balls and i want a perk specifically for this called [Ball is life] cus ball IS life
  3. krogine

    Penny supremecy

    one of my favorite things about Penny is that she's extremely intimate and not simply in the "i wanna bang/look how hot i am" way but instead in the "you're essentially my best friend and lover" kinda (at least that's how I took it). even the whole "MATE" play-talk she does phases between fun...
  4. krogine

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    thats what you get for livin in a [SOCIETY]
  5. krogine

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    i also like the LG-BT primarily because it delivers you a short stack that you are justified in retaliating against. yeah you might feel bad for cucking the guy but if a tourist couple just rolled on me while i was waling down the street, said "ooooohhh a native", and then proceed to arm their...
  6. krogine

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    a perk that lets you pass strength x height checks even if you're small. i dont want to feel like I need to be 6' to legally handle a shortstack. to be clear this NOT about making characters that prefer 6'+ but rather the dockmaster on tarkus suddenly changes her tune and the entire sex...
  7. krogine

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    i always assumed that involved being goo which is different from what im thinkin of. you dont need to be made of goo to have a vagina or ass capable of taking centaur super dick... last i checked. maybe the upper limits of elasticity and other mods is a lot lower then i thought and its also...
  8. krogine

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    #5,327 probably already been asked/suggested but maybe a prize for doing.... something is an adjustable penis. much like how you can get perks and all sorts of nonsense to make your holes more accommodating to all but the serpents large enough to not look out-of-place on attack on titan's...
  9. krogine

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    also Fenris drone is a good boy that should've been a party member. yes, you'd be down one slut in your party but that's totally worth it to have the goodest boy in all of TiTs follow you around.
  10. krogine

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    and i can respect that. its their game and they CAN do what they want, id just prefer that when people criticize a design choice people dont challenge it with double standards that make no sense. you cant catter to everyone nor should you.
  11. krogine

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    i personally dont necessarily have a problem with it beyond the fact that at any moment my Steele can miraculously become a slut for dick and having eggs layed in him when he'd expressly avoid such things in prior dialogue and encounters but im fully aware that given what the game is and is...
  12. krogine

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    it so wierd hearing this. when I complained about Riya on another (albeit necro) thread someone came at me with "Riya cant get raped rape is wrong" when this game is practically filled to burst with rape and abuse (90% of the raping comes from mobs but still). it doesn't matter how much every...
  13. krogine

    Penny supremecy

    just wanna say, this may not be that type-o-game but id sneak a ring on penny's finger during one of those intense fuckfests and it would probably be worth losing the Steele inheritance. id like to hear others opinions about our savior Penny and how it's a crying she you cant spend an entire...
  14. krogine

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    finally found a thread to talk about this but i (just like many people) really dont like Riya. it isnt really because she's racist as i see that less as a glaring issue and more as an invitation to dunk on them (like if you were apart of that whole lick and spitting in food craze you deserve to...
  15. krogine

    Riya the Cop

    ... what? y-you do realize what game you're talking about right? not only is there a PLETHORA OF RAPE TO BE HAD but there are character that dont like x characteristic and still get banged in the way they don't like. look, ya like Riya, I get that but don't act like this is anything more than...
  16. krogine

    Riya the Cop

    i can understand the logic but its for this exact reason that Sera's slave plotline exists. i can understand that this being a fuck fantasy text adventure wouldn't really jell well with you committing hate crimes because you can savescum and or you have a fetish/play/species/whatever you dont...
  17. krogine

    Riya the Cop

    this is old like so many things about Riya but id like to posit why we cant really do ANYTHING to her. far be it from killing her (although the ability to do so despite what negative repercussions that would incur is both fun and pointless due to saves and save-scrumming) why cant it be a...