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  1. BÖÖRK

    Null Pregnancy Error

    So, on day 300, the game gives me following error: Version: 0.9.010-BACKER#2247 Message: Attempted to add bellyRating contribution to a null pregnancy. Stack: TiTSException: Attempted to add bellyRating contribution to a null pregnancy. at r...
  2. BÖÖRK

    Wiki won't connect

    Thank you very much, kind sir/lady for your answer!
  3. BÖÖRK

    Wiki won't connect

    Hello there gents and ladies (and other otherwordly beings) I have a slight problem, where I might have kind of, little bit, fucked up. I changed the date in windows the wiki page reloaded, which ended in a problem I'm now stucked with. The wiki ( won't let me connect to it and...