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  1. F

    [0.6.0] Etheryn still getting blue balls

    Even after telling her to use the dildo or have sex with the others, she still gets blue balls after a period of time.
  2. F

    Error when fighting hazard trooper

    I was fighting the first one you encounter and this error popped up in the middle of fighting. Version: 0.9.046-BACKER#3153 Message: target.hasStatusEffect is not a function Stack: TypeError: target.hasStatusEffect is not a function at o.value...
  3. F

    [0.5.37] Berwyn/Cait threesome critical error

    I walked in on the threesome and chose the "get fucked" option which caused an error. version: 0.5.37 ReferenceError: adjective is not defined at D.value ( at D.value...
  4. F

    Bugged Sledgehammer weapons

    I was told by Gedan to post the Flash version of the save so here it is. Hopefully this helps with bug fixing.
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    How to trigger Kase/Ramis threesome?

    I've been trying to get this scene for the past hour and have had zero luck. I have Kase and I have Ramis but I don't know what to do next. If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it.
  6. F

    Lizard TF: locked out of certain scale colours

    I'm trying to get red scales but it won't give me anything other than brown, black or white no matter how many times I try. I've also had it happen on a different character where it would give me anything but black scales.
  7. F

    Can't access CoC2 backer builds despite linking Patreon account

    I can open the page itself but the links for CoC2 aren't there and I have no idea what to do about it.