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  1. N

    [Fixt] [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1768] Rat Thieves Victory Sex Empty

    The victory sex text for the Rat Thieves seems to be missing entirely. Full scenes are just blank, all the way until the interaction is over.
  2. N

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1768] Another Roo Blackjack Error

    Error regarding reading an undefined "isHidden". Unsure if I was on the verge of hitting a new Roo scene or what, but it seems to be a new bug for Roo.
  3. N

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1763] Critical interiorMapAddress Error - Anno Christmas Special

    Another interiorMapAddress error when attempting to do Anno's Christmas Special Event.
  4. N

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1763] Critical Error when Disarming Milodan War Alpha

    Attempted to use Disarming Shot on the Milodan War Alpha during the Siege of the Korg'ii Hold, and ran into this critical error regarding the war-alpha's weapons.
  5. N

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1732] Host Shukuchi Button Error

    After each fight with a Host Shukuchi agent, the buttons are pulled from the main menu, with New Game being replaced by "Oh boy", "Oy", etc. as to progress the scene. The other buttons, including "Load" and "Options", are also present where they shouldn't be.
  6. N

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1732] Ara Kei Missing Pronouns

    Ara Kei seems to be missing at least they/them pronouns, and I've noticed it happen in multiple scenes for the character. Screenshot of one scene below.
  7. N

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1727] Critical loading error and save issue

    Ty for the heads up, misread version number. Even a JSON file from scratch is okay, it seems. Only the in-game slots are giving the flags undefined issue.
  8. N

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1727] Critical loading error and save issue

    Having a previously reported critical error upon loading a save from the start menu. Getting the same message as before, "flags is not defined". When using the workaround of starting a new game, then loading, the game gives me a "Old Save Version" message, and I cannot save to the save slots...
  9. N

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1727] Ganrael bust issue/error

    When fighting the Ganrael enemies on Myrellion and teasing them to victory, their sex scenes that require armor intact switch to the armorless bust. Not sure if this is intended, but I believe the flash version didn't have this switch from armored to armorless.