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  1. S

    Description text on buttons throughout the game is almost never accessible to "Screen Reader" users.

    Current version: 0.5.16 (this has been happening potentially for ever) So a screenshot won't help you guys here as you won't see anything different, and their are obviously no errors in the console as this is normal behavior, but for the couple dozen of us who play with Screen Readers it is...
  2. S

    Experimental CoC port

    I've got an error when bimbofying Sophie that causes a game freeze. The save is linked below, but you'll need to find Sophie as it happens when you use the potion.
  3. S

    Experimental CoC port

    @adev Yes that's correct. Many letters or numbers on their own are screen reader commands, so adding a modifier is necessary to avoid conflicts in most cases. @Darkempathy I just don't like hitting "B B B B Enter B B Enter" for some repeated actions, and I got used to the nice shortcuts in COC2.
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    Experimental CoC port

    Hi there Adev, thanks so much for this port. I'm another screen reader user from I remember really wanting to try COC1 after playing COC2, but no matter which Flash player I tried it wouldn't read for me properly, so it's great to have this opportunity. The one major thing I...
  5. S

    Typos I've found as of 0.3.27

    *Svern: sex toys* [Severn] rolls his neck and ponders for a moment before burrowing a little more into his seat. *Gianna: Flirt: Scissoring* but it seems to be just so that she can admire your body a little more closely, like a predator [seizing] up their prey. Her eyes [traces] the lines of...
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    Typos I've found as of 0.3.27

    Unfortunately I can't do screenshots as I'm fully blind, so I hope that text strings are enough. I've done each one with a contextual descriptor surrounded by Asterisks, then with the problem section of the sentence in brackets. char details: Lupine Female, gender pref auto, bear body type...
  7. S

    Blind CoC II player

    Blind CoC II player