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  1. Termin8tor

    [0.9.038-PUBLIC#2915] Androgynous perk non removable

    Seems like the androgynous perk cannot be lost by losing the muzzled face flag like explained in the wiki, currently have a human face with no muzzled flag and still have androgynous perk
  2. Termin8tor

    Looking for a game I cannot remember

    Hello, I am trying to find an old deck building game that I cannot remember the name of or find for the life of me. I remember that you need to corrupt various villages and had cards that played to certain fetishes, such as breasts or cock, to take over the villagers and then gain more cards to...
  3. Termin8tor

    Who is stronger-Brint or Brienne

    I am wondering which version of Brint, based solely on combat ability, is stronger. Not based on looks or scenes, just which can dish out the most pain, clothing abilities included. While the Brienne scenes sound fun, I care more about combat ability. Should I get Brienne or keep Brint, and if...