There's a ton that I remember playing and enjoying in childhood. Like others have already said, it feels impossible to choose just one.
Keeping it short though, I think the definitive game for me would be the first Fable. It was the first that I remember really getting sucked into and really...
One of many Capt. Steeles in just as many--if not more--playthroughs I've done: Saavid. I'd like to think they're a bit of an attention whore entertainer and takes to the stage--where movement and dance is their métier--like a fish to water.
Just a wonky doodling that I may or may not end up...
I don't draw very often, because I've fallen way out of practice (I'm also very harsh on myself and self conscious about what I make, but I digress), but at the same time I wanted to follow suit with all y'all who've made a little pocket for yourselves and your lovely works.
So yeah! Hi! Hello!