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  1. 8lkj

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    3 quests to get to Iron, don't think there's any way to track it, and unless I'm missing something, and it doesn't seem like you can get past Iron at this point, I've done each bounty multiple times at this point and there's still no way to rank up
  2. 8lkj


    Ah, thanks, didn't realise we had one already
  3. 8lkj


    Don't know if there's an easy way to reduce height, but I'd assume if we get a rat or goblin TF you could do it through that.
  4. 8lkj


    If you don't mind some save scumming the easiest way to increase height is to infuse lycanthorn (gotten by exploring the old forest) with the reagent that affects the body. Which increases your height by a few inches at a time up to 8' total, if it rolls height. Lycanthorn is also the source of...
  5. 8lkj

    What content would you like added?

    Small suggestion: it would be nice if there were a way to order powers by type instead of acquisition order (at-will powers next to your other at-will powers, recharge next to recharge, et cetera) to reduce on the amount of scrolling between the list of powers if you're trying out different builds
  6. 8lkj

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    1. The codex is a bit of a mess to say the least, everything is kind of crushed together in the stats and perks screens and on mobile the scrolling for the lore entries refuses to work properly 2. Early-game can get grindy fast trying to earn experience and money 3. Lust builds are underpowered...