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  1. DjinnOfArc

    (0.9.072 Hotfix #2) Storage Bug

    Trying to get caught up on everything since last I played, and recently found a few of these while I was testing stuff out. It seems to be a bug around Storage. The only storage I have access to in my main save is my Spearhead SS, everything else is a hard crash. Some examples being: The storage...
  2. DjinnOfArc

    Other types of genetalia tails?

    So far in game, we have cunt snakes and cock vines for our genetail needs, and as cool as they are, they feel kind of limited. For one, they both seem to be of a green coloring (Don't really mind this, but it seems weird when my all blue elf techie has a green plant dick with a purple head as a...
  3. DjinnOfArc


    Recently got back into Smite, and really am enjoying it. Been practicing my Sun Wukong and other solo laners in a effort to try and get better in solo lane.   Anyway, Does anyone else on here play smite? If so, which god do you typically play as? 
  4. DjinnOfArc

    Andgi and Zo'dee?

    I remember hearing about this characters awhile ago, how they were the flagship characters for TiTS before TiTS came out, etc. I was wondering, are they still planned for TiTS or have they been dropped? If they are still planned to come in at some point, what's the current state of them? Do we...