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  1. Vichrae

    Getting impregnated by Paige

    Thanks...daww it would have been such a nice pinnacle to the relationship.
  2. Vichrae

    Getting impregnated by Paige

    Is it possible to be impregnated by Paige when she's possessed by the ghost? I've been trying repeatedly (including using double doses of Breeder's Bliss) but no luck. Note: She's currently a member of my crew.
  3. Vichrae

    How to bring crew with you when exploring?

    OH! I was under the impression that your crew was a party like in CoC.
  4. Vichrae

    How to bring crew with you when exploring?

    How does one bring crew members with you when you explore a planet (similar to how Anno accompanies you and fights with you on Deck 13)?