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  1. MrPhantom300

    Thinking of coming back. Would people like to play?

    What's sorta the overall theme of this RP? Like my first impression of it is like a horror game and that kinda has me a bit worried
  2. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil looked over at Sindiana with a cocked eyebrow. He then looked at where she pointed. He blinked and muffled by her hand just said "Oh..." He then took one step back. (Yeah, sorry about that...Exams and projects pretty much took over my life and I kept forgetting to post here when I got a...
  3. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil had a completely blank look on his face and his eyes, one would assume since they are booth completely black, glazed over. When the liquid hit his face he blinked and inhaled deeply as if he just had awoken up. He looked around bewildered for a second "Who are you? Where am I?" He then...
  4. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil considered this for a minute and looked at himself saying "Hmmmm... I think I'll stick with being a this... Think that I'll get into less trouble that way... or more trouble... I always forget which one." His eyes started to get a little less focus "And if you don't like whose on top then...
  5. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil nodded, using his new ability to make himself look like a handsome incubus still, but this time in a very small thong. "Ok then... oh, and I can just keep doing this over and over again... cost me some scars on the face but I figured it would be best for the situation."
  6. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil rolled his eyes at Tali "Oh come now, your the one who decided to stick around with us... that's your own fault... So, couple of questions while I'm still lucid... What is the name of the area we are going to? How are demons usually dressed or undressed? And 3, how do we make it convincing...
  7. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    Do paladins know Protection from Good and Evil?... That might be somewhat useful against corruption.
  8. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    Fair enough
  9. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    Hmmm... I would if Remove Curse would do anything for Corruption... cause I do have that spell
  10. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    You know, like you said, she's got muscle and a little bit of fat so there's that thiccness quality. She's stacked, so *shrug* yeah I just like her design and how she looks.
  11. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    *shrug* I like thick and stout dwarven women. And that translate to Ansil too.
  12. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

  13. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil finally calmed down from his head ache and looked sheepishly at Brekka "S-Sorry about that... didn't mean to offend... Guess I still have some lapses in judgement and proper behavior... which I guess is a good thing considering about what we are doing... I still think you look good...
  14. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    Thought that it would be cool that every time Ansil either trades invocations or gets a new one, his patron would take something away from him in order to make the power... OH! Also I have Remove Curse... Just in case.
  15. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil groaned as he cracked his neck "Because with Diavolo captured Brekka is the new muscles of the group and I'm batty half the time so I'm easily convinced to do the stupid stuff you don't want to do..." A shutter went done his spine "Oh my... been a while since I've used logic and reason..."...
  16. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil let go of his head to turn towards Brekka to look at her. He shrugged "Ok... Would it make you more comfortable if we joined in your nudity too?... I mean the illusion can make unmake like this." He then used his Eldritch invocation to turn into Brekka, the way she looks now. Though, he...
  17. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil just nodded and sighed "Well you know what they say..." He was silent for a few seconds, looking around "... Fuck, I thought you guys knew what they said..." He then took in a deep breath as his eyes lit up. He started to speak in gibberish and his stance started to curve backwards. He...
  18. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    Oh shit... Now I can change one of my invocations to just always have Disguise Self up
  19. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    ...*sarcastically says* Oh yeah, he's in SO much danger right now
  20. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil rolled his eyes "I meant when the part where you said to run if your plan didn't work... And I didn't know you could hear that cause I thought I thought it but I guess I said the thought instead of thought the thought... Besides, don't think of it as me trying to steal from... it's more...