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  1. Tide Hunter

    UI Feedback/Criticisms

    In the gripes and criticisms thread, Jacques responded to some discussions about the current UI (Link to the response in question). Jacques said he'll be looking into adding a "pre-legacy" UI, which would at least somewhat emulate the Flash version's UI, and would only impact the main UI format...
  2. Tide Hunter

    [0.9.084-PUBLIC#4334] New Texas pool not allowing exit if wearing swimwear

    This is a bug that probably isn't ever expected, but essentially, if, in the Ten Ton Gym on New Texas, you enter the pool area while wearing swimwear, and then press the Get Ready button, you will no longer be able to exit the tile until you select one of the options on the top row (Quick Swim...
  3. Tide Hunter

    Terran Treat falsely targets legs and balls

    (On firefox) When using the terran treat, I noticed that, despite my legs already being normal human legs, and despite my testicles also being normal (aside from the massive size), terran treats will repeatedly attempt to transform them. I'm not even sure what it attempts to target when the ball...
  4. Tide Hunter

    [ 0.9.069-PUBLIC#3818 ] Kirila's maid outfit is once again identical to Inessa's (but much pricier)

    Back in the October 20, 2021 patch, for the old flash version, the maid uniform in Kirila's shop was updated to have different (and stronger) stats than the maid outfit Inessa sells. Today, playing the Javascript version, I went to Kirila's shop for the first time since the port. It seems that...
  5. Tide Hunter

    Error message in Myrellion Kaede meeting

    At the end of the dialogue for the "Herself" topic when meeting with Kaede on Myrellion, I received the error "ERROR: attempted to extend a Log Event but no log event found". The situation already had been abnormal: From the wiki, it seems the Kaede Myrellion meeting is only supposed to happen...
  6. Tide Hunter

    Penny's initial futanari discussion includes text for repeating it

    Towards the bottom of the futanari discussion topic with Penny, halfway through a paragraph, the text that pops up when repeating the conversation after saying no appears.
  7. Tide Hunter

    Gryvian Techie's shot doesn't seem to work properly

    The Techie has an attack where the game prompts you to wait to take cover, but every time I do that, I just get shot regardless.
  8. Tide Hunter

    [0.6.3]Typo in Elyon's description of Dowager's death.

    The first line in the screen where he starts actually giving a description of the events of that day, he says "than" which should be "that".
  9. Tide Hunter

    [0.6.2]Cleaving Strikes, Enchanting Acts, and Overflowing Health are completely broken

    For Cleaving Strikes and Enchanting Acts, they do work properly in terms of mechanics, but the descriptions are not displaying properly. First, Enchanting Acts: For this, I aimed the tease at Merielle. You can see in the description, Fritte and Elaril all got hit with the 20% tease damage...
  10. Tide Hunter

    [0.5.37] Etheryn repeats one word and skipped another at Ashe's lair

    When bringing Etheryn to go meet Ashe, she has a quote when, outside the lair, you smell blood. First, she says "then" twice, and second, she forgets to include the verb "go" between "to" and "in".
  11. Tide Hunter

    [0.5.33] Berwyn's hair is "full of body" (typo)

    Upon defeating Matiha and starting the Berwyn Reconstruction process, this line (in the second paragraph of the scene where you choose whether or not he has a pussy) caught my eye. I suppose that the phrase "you had long, flowing hair, full of body;" could have some meaning, but to my knowledge...
  12. Tide Hunter

    When does the game consider the Champ a Boreal Elf?

    Recently I've played through with a character that started as a wyld elf, and the moment Ice Roses were available, used them to transform to a boreal elf. All of the traits that would differentiate between the two elf types, like the skin color, hair color, and loss of the visible wyld mark...
  13. Tide Hunter

    [0.5.7]Mai is misnamed Miko in a scene

    When talking to Miko about her sister while both Miko and Mai are at the shrine, there's a variation in which it seems like Mai is shooting a playful insult at Mai. However, she's labelled as being Miko, despite calling Miko an "oversexed vamp" and speaking in the second person. My browser is...
  14. Tide Hunter

    [0.5.3] Unnecessary quotation marks in Ragnild Sundress scene

    In the scene where Ragnild puts on the sundress, the paragraph in which the player kisses Ragnild has a quotation mark at the end, despite how nobody was speaking. Browser is Firefox, not that that matters for a typo.
  15. Tide Hunter

    Crashing after using CustomInput (also tistheseason doesn't work)

    This was done specifically at the Mhen'ga nursedroid, using her CustomInput thing since it seems just typing the cheat in normally doesn't work in the JS version and the text box that existed in the codex for the flash version is absent for the JS version. So, I entered anotherbrickinthewall and...
  16. Tide Hunter

    Corruption feels like a pointless morality system

    It feels like corrupt paths are only really there for the sake of being there. Not even for fun, or to make an interesting choice, but just there for if the player wants to be a dick for no reason. Hell, there's practically negative value associated with full-on corrupt path stuff. Sure, smaller...
  17. Tide Hunter

    Why is it that the Maid Outfits are so differently priced?

    Like, I remember that, before the big reworking for how sexiness works (and also adding in resolve), that the Kirila Maid Outfit had better stats than the Inessa Maid Outfit, having double the sexiness and triple the evasion, though the resistances of 34% against electricity were the same. It...
  18. Tide Hunter

    What does the Holodisk: Horsecock Hell 2 item do?

    It's the holodisk you pick up when doing the Phoenix rescue thing. It's a key item but as far as I know it just doesn't have a use? If you know something, please tell me.
  19. Tide Hunter

    [0.3.45] Convocation of Mirrors word choice

    This is just the text being weird, in the second phase of the Convocation speech battle, when going down the first question's path, on the final step of the first question. Nareva says "it was my guilt at having being tempted", and I'm fairly certain that what is meant to be said here is "having...
  20. Tide Hunter

    Is there a list of all the affinities which races have?

    By the title, I mean, is there something I can see which shows the three stat affinities every race has? Since changing the character's race also changes the affinities tied to the character's race, post-creation. I know of the affinities for the five starting races, since they're listed on...