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  1. L

    Gray Goo Armor Maximum of 6 Sexiness

    Wiki and this forum says the Gray Goo Armor can hit 8 for Sexiness at max exposure, but the max I can get at that is 6. Am I missing something or did an update come along that the Wiki isn't aware of yet?
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    Crash opening Storage - Varmint

    Version: 0.9.001-PUBLIC#2057 Message: VarmintItem requires it's canMergeWith call to be overridden if it has dynamic properties. Stack: a@ i@
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    Storage system broken

    Anyone else having an issue where in Javascript TiTS the on-ship storage is bugged out and non-functional? I haven't even put anything in it and and all the tabs are greyed out and inaccessible.
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    What is with the trypophobia/skull nipples Kiro gets towards the end of KiroQuest?

    I'd be somewhat tempted to explore more of what Po could do as time went on if her model (made by Adjatha) after 30 hours didn't have nightmare fuel on them. Why are they there and needed? I notice they are only there when clothed, which only confuses me more as to what they are and why they're...
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    Where is Vulrik?

    I saw the description of him and his shop on the recreational deck of zheng shi, but I cannot find him anywhere. Am I missing something?
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    Can't get Tessa Heart to Heart 2

    I've been trying to finish off this interaction with this character, I've been following the wiki's instructions to a T and have unlocked all the scenes and haven't modified anything in any save editor, and over 50 attempts after breast play and shower scenes later I still cannot get the second...