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  1. Vector Irone


    Looks like this was addressed as part of 0.4n's addition of masturbation options, excellent~
  2. Vector Irone

    Age Filter for site?

    Might be some legalese mumbo jumbo that they sate then? Honestly I don't mind either way, I guess I'm wondering more about why the old site had one in the first place and if that same requirement is present here. And yeah, whoever designed the site's code certainly did a slick job~ Eh, come to...
  3. Vector Irone

    Age Filter for site?

    Not sure if this should go in the requests thread since necro rule and it's about the site as a whole, but: Since the wiki has one, and the old site had one, does need an age gate? Y'know the things that make sure you're OK to view smut, based on an arbitrary amount of times you've...
  4. Vector Irone


    Since I usually have stuff to comment on well after the post for it has been up (and often the next one) I figure I'd make an account and ask on the forums. Haha. Anywho, I tried 0.4m lately and loved it (especially since I hadn't touched FoE since one of the first public versions) and I'd like...