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  1. P

    Valor and glory - New public version 27/01/2019!

    Nope nothing on the windows logs. That is what makes it so strange. EDIT: It also seems that the program must of have sort of part running in a loop as the file can't be deleted due to be in use. So something is happening but never finishes or stalls out.
  2. P

    Valor and glory - New public version 27/01/2019!

    Older version worked no problem and yes the .net is already installed. My apologies I forgot to mention that windows 10 comes default installed with 4.6
  3. P

    Valor and glory - New public version 27/01/2019!

    Just tried downloading this game so my first try of it is the 0.0.1m version but I am getting no response at all from the exe. I am running windows 10 and I have both tried it as admin and with several other versions of windows in compatibility mode. None work and I don't even get an error just...
  4. P

    Recruiting for a D&D 3.5e Campaign

    You fill up or still looking for another? And yes I could make these times easily.