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    CoC2 Save Editor

    It's been awhile so I can't recall at the top of my head, but I believe it was something that was not battle stats or money, I was able to change some items fine too. I believe it was the ability section where you choose what passive you have and what not.
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    What content would you like added?

    Quest tracking my dude, I just looked and having that helps a bit.
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    CoC2 Save Editor

    It still works, some stuff don't and you can't load after doing it, but besides that it works.
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    What content would you like added?

    Pregnancy fetish, the more you can knock someone up and see them raising your kid later, the better lol. With the whole companion aspect too, losing should involve them getting fucked too, and even shit for the Nice Time for Roo lover with them knocking others up or others knocking them up for losing. I just...
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    Dual-Wielding Balance Feedback (0.0.17)

    Taking into consideration of the fact that one hands offer the option for defense or two hits with two weapon, while two hander is naturally just the stronger option, because the weapon is bigger and heavier for damage if you're not using a shield, or another weapon for two hits, I do want to...
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    I've always enjoyed the ability to go into easy mode, so something like that where players can choose their own difficulty, and just minor quality of life stuff like the option in CoC where items wouldn't be used up, options that saves time and lets you get to the point, even simple layout...