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  1. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Introducing: Ridley Silverlake! (Art still a WIP). Ridley is the heroine of Radiata Stories. And she will become one of the xxx-able heroines in Carnal Hearts. Has anyone played Radiata Stories? Radiata stories is one of my favorite PS2 game, and one that changed my life. If you haven't...
  2. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Hi everyone, here is the Test Build 0.3~~ The room is starting to look nice. Heheh... Change Log: - Adding more details to the room (bookshelf, pillar, tables, and a few small objects). You can download the test build here: Hope you like it! ;)
  3. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    That's an awesome idea. Adding color would be great, really. We will work hard to make it happens.
  4. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    We are planning on adding color to the game. But it seems impossible with the current team members. When we got enough funds, we will hire a few dedicated colorists to help us ;) For now, let's see where this is going hehehe.
  5. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Hi everyone, here is the Test Build 0.2. Change Log: - Adding fence to test the collider - Adding detail to wall You can download the test build here: Enjoooy! ;)
  6. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Another test build coming right up! :)
  7. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Thank you! More awesome stuff coming soon~~~~ ;)
  8. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Thanks! We will do out best!
  9. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Hi everyone, we are just finished making the very first test build of Carnal Hearts. Just adding simple tile and character movement. You can download the test build here: Still a long way to go. But enjoy! ;)
  10. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    XXX with a mouse. That's a thought-provoking idea :eyepop: I'm sold.
  11. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Yes. Most xxx-able heroines will be from Square-Enix's games. We are planning to add Kid, Lucca, or Marle as heroines. Power play with Ayla sounds interesting too! Maybe we will hold a poll in the future. However, we are completely open to include a couple of disney characters if the project...
  12. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Thanks! We are currently preparing a demo. Please stay tuned~~ ;)
  13. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

  14. Monotica

    Carnal Hearts

    Reserved for further update.