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  1. K

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Perfect, exactly what I was looking for! I forgot you could select characters other than yourself, and I was looking in her misc flags.
  2. K

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Now that Ardia is a little more fleshed out, is there a way to revert her from having a horse cock, back to her original? I couldn't find anything obvious in the misc section (where I assume it would be), like a horse cock yes/no toggle kind of thing. Or is she just stuck with it forever now?
  3. K

    Cloud 10

    Speaking of an easier place to find the changelog, maybe just have a link in the game client somewhere that points to it? You could stick it in the FAQ, Credits, or next to the Patreon buttons or something?
  4. K

    Cloud 10

    That makes sense then, but I feel like there should be some kind of minimum stat gain chance, because if you start with 1 luck (default) and 1 in a skill (default) your chances to raise that skill are... tiny.
  5. K

    Cloud 10

    That must be pretty low odds then: after a couple dozen trips out, having made enough cash to pay for guts/discretion/eloquence to be manually trained up to 20, I hadn't gained a single skill point in anything from failing events. That might need a slight boosting up in chance, or am I just...
  6. K

    Cloud 10

    I came back to this today after not playing it for a while (several months probably) and found that none of my stats were raising through the skill checks, like they did in the earlier version I had played. The only way I could get any stats to raise was through paying the trainers, which was a...
  7. K

    Where does the crew sleep?

    Another thing to consider here, compared to wet navy ships, is that we're in space. It's not only space we have to think about here, it's life support on the ship: you might be able to stuff 100 people into the ship if they all just stand around in the hallways, but will your ship be able to...
  8. K

    More Ship Storage space

    Just a heads up, but yes, the newer ships have more storage space (at least the 1 I've tried so far). I bought the high armor/low shield "space truck" one, and it has 30 storage (as opposed to 10) per item type. I think I read that the other normal ones have 20? So extra storage is a thing, now.
  9. K

    Inside Steele's ship before the 'clowncar' cheat

    Crew/guns don't share space, it's modules/crew that share space: you can still have all the dakka you want and your space harem, just so long as you don't install extra modules.